Below are some frequently asked questions. If you don’t find your answer here, check our Help section or contact our support.
- How much money do I need to start using Bottie AI?
- Do I need any coding knowledge to use Bottie AI?
- Is my data safe?
- How resource-intensive is the bot? Will it slow down my computer?
- What happens if I lose internet connection while the bot is running?
- Why do I need to provide my phone number?
- What if I have 2FA enabled on my Telegram account?
- What if I lose my phone or can’t get the OTP code?
- Can I change the group name or phone number later?
- Why do I see fewer calls than expected?
- How do I update Bottie AI?
- Can I use the bot in multiple groups?
- Is Bottie AI suitable for beginners?
- Does Bottie AI work on all operating systems?
- Can I use Bottie AI while I'm away from my computer?
- How does the bot determine which tokens to alert me about?
- Does Bottie AI actually trade for me?
- How does the token data collection work?
- What if the $ BottieAI token price changes after I buy it? Will I lose access if it drops below $50?